Saturday, July 4, 2009

East Aurora Art Show '09......

Another East Aurora Art Show has come and gone. Such a fun show to do! The view on the right is from my tent looking out upon the snow fence artists setting up. The snow fence is such a great option for those artists who don't have the whole tent and display set-up. Such a lovely setting. It's so nice getting to see friends who I may only get to see during this show. We all get there pretty early in the morning; so much work is involved setting up an art show. Caffeine is an absolute necessity!

The photo on the left is my booth at the show. Saturday couldn't have been more perfect. Sun and low 70's. A good friend and wonderful artist, Jane Stoddard, won Best of Show, and another friend won 1st place in watercolor. I was so happy for them-very well deserved. I won best of show last year, so I was so pleased that the wealth could be spread around.
If only Sunday could have been better. So much rain that we ended up leaving early. Last year was the same, too. Perfect Saturday, and rainy Sunday. What's up with that? My tent was so soaked that I had to hang it out to dry on my clothesline on Monday.......of course Monday was breezy and sunny!
There's always next year!

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