Monday, July 20, 2009

Day Lilies....

I can see that I'll be doing some day lily paintings in my future!
We have had so much cloudy and rainy weather, that I was
actually suprised to see sunshine this morning! My day lilies are in a bed where I can spot them from my kitchen window, and when I saw them glistening in the sun, I knew I had to photograph them....and quickly! This summer, one never knows how long the sun will shine!
I think the photo on the right would make a nice painting.
I will use some deep greens and blues for the background, probably Windsor Blue and Windsor Green, with some Indigo thrown in. I will use some Lemon Yellow for the center of the flower, and no doubt some of my discontinued Vermillion, coupled with various pinks for the flower petals.
I'm so glad these lilies are blooming so heartily. I know they like dry weather conditions, and with the cool and moist July we've been having, I was concerned that these blooms would suffer. Glad to be proven wrong!

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