Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Returning to Quebec City.....

It's been nice to get back to painting again! I laid down some tonal washes on the old stone walls of the buildings, plus I got in some detail work to help establish some darks. The buildings on the upper left have a lot of woodwork- boy will that take some time to do! The windows will also require a lot of detail work.
For the gold trim I'm using burnt umber, burnt sienna with some sepia thrown in. The stone road and building washes are a mixture of burnt umber, burnt sienna, french ultramarine, sepia, and a little cobalt blue. The green in the flower basket in the front is mostly sap green with some windsor yellow and a little indigo and burnt sienna.
I'll have little time to work on Quebec City this week, with the summer art festival season beginning this weekend with the Allentown Art Festival. I have no idea how it will be this year, and I'm definitely anxious about it. Will people be looking to buy, or will they be "just looking?" The amount of work required to do these shows is enormous....yikes! Not sure if I'm ready for all of it! We shall see!

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