Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My favorite columbine......

I love my columbine! I had never known that these gorgeous wildflowers even existed! When my kids were little, they would give me handfulls of these beautiful wildflowers that they picked in the woods behind our house. All moms know there is nothing better than flowers presented so lovingly in little sweaty hands! Plus, I had never seen columbine before! I love their unusual shape and soft white color.
I worked very hard to create a columbine garden in the shaded area behind our garage. These beauties love shade, so the north garden worked perfectly. I am so glad that the columbine have flourished there. I'm trying hard to keep them going. Anytime I see columbine in the stores, I never see my white variety for sale. I think it's important to save and protect native wildflowers. Lately I haven't seen any more growing in the woods. Important to nurture my garden all the more. Plus, I love the memory these flowers give me of those "flowers for mom" days! Now if only I could do them justice in a painting!

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