Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Halloween diversion...

Couldn't resist a little Halloween diversion here! This is my neighbor's home- all decked out for Halloween. This is only the tip of the iceberg. There is a fully, decked out dungeon in the garage, complete with an electric chair and a bubbling laboratory. In the second story over the garage is a ghostly spectre that floats with a night it's fantastic! It looks just like the ghost from the movie "Poltergeist" that floats down the stairs. Soooooo cool!
They have free tours, but will accept donations that they then give to Women and Children's Hospital. We love all this- it's so much fun to go and help "haunt", plus the ghostly sounds and foggy mist overtake the neighborhood.
Maybe I can do a painting of the house and all it's adornments. I couldn't resist getting some photos. Amazingly enough, not everything is out yet.....and the dungeon in the garage rivals a movie set.
Can you tell we love Halloween?


Anonymous said...

Yes I can actually... lol... I remember this blog I think it's called It's pretty cool too, even though I don't celebrate halloween u have a nice b log...

Kathie said...

Thanks for the feedback. Have a good one.