Monday, October 6, 2008

Getting there...

Boy, fine detail work does take time! It's coming along, more slowly that I would like, of course. I'm certainly not one of these painters that can do a painting a day! I enjoy seeing the motorcycle come to life. This one has a lot of light values in it, so I've punched in a few deep colors to help give it some shape, which helps give me direction.
I've purchased some new brushes, and it's been fun to break them in. I hadn't realized how long I had been using the same ones, and it's been helpful using some crisp new ones with their fine points and springy touch. I really like the Cheap Joe's golden fleece brushes. They're not very expensive, yet they last a long time and retain their shape quite well.
I wonder if I'll be singing Christmas carols when I'm finishing this one up? Maybe!!!

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