I've been able to get a lot of painting time in lately- hurray! I still have a fair amount of work to do on this painting, though.
The iris flowers themselves are mostly done, along with the leaves and stems. The brick wall is now my focus. I've laid in a layer or two of color on each individual brick- always making sure that each brick has it's own unique color pattern. Now I'm in the process of shading the bricks and the mortar, to give the bricks a three-dimensional look. Otherwise, they would look like brick wallpaper! This is picky and time-consuming work.....right up my alley!
The colors on the actual painting are much more intense, but it's so dark this morning, that I couldn't get a photo without using a flash. When I take a photo when the painting is completed, I'll make sure to get one without a flash. This is going to be one colorful painting!
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