I'm very thrilled to have finally finished my Quebec City painting. Haven't settled on a title yet. This painting was fun to do, yet it did pose some unique challenges. Colors I rarely use were required for this piece. I had originally thought of changing the trim colors on the buildings, but then decided that I couldn't really do that and stay true the flavor of Quebec City. So I was forced to use the burnt umbers and warm, gold tones that are not my favorites.
Another unusual feature of this piece is that the center of interest, most often the part of a painting with the strongest contrast of color, is located pretty much in the background. I took the reference photo in the early morning, and I loved how the morning light shown upon the distant building, while the closer part of the street remained in shadow. Painting the stone road was certainly a challenge as well. I delineated the stones with pale lines before I put the varied washes down, so that the lines wouldn't stand out too much and look too prominent, or "painted on." I love the hanging multicolored balloon! Residences are interspersed amongst the storefronts and restaurants, and those residences were so lovingly maintained and artistically decorated.
So glad I finally got to do a painting of at least a tiny corner of a beautiful city.
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