Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Spring beauties......

How wonderful it was to return from a wonderful, and much needed, vacation and see my Spring garden beautifully welcoming me home. Before we left I had sprinkled all my perennials with fertilizer, just hoping that the extra dose of nutrients would coax some additional blooms. I guess my experiment paid off! These gorgeous blue poppies on the left have never bloomed like this before! So many at one time! I love them.

I looks like my azaleas survived our harsh winter as well. This poor bush is so misshapen from all the heavy snow its had to endure over the last few winters- it's shape is none to pretty, but the blossoms are spectacular! I was so surprised last night, as we arrived home, to see my azalea bushes awash with color. What a treat! I would have been so saddened to have arrived home and missed these Springtime treats.

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