Friday, March 20, 2009

Buffalo Arts Awards Luncheon....

I was invited to participate in the Arts Awards luncheon held at the Adam's Mark Hotel this past Friday afternoon. The Allentown Art Festival was receiving a lifetime achievement award, and as an Allentown artist, I was asked to be part of the artist bazaar at the hotel, along with dozens of other artists.
The photo on the left shows my set-up at this event. I was very honored to have been asked to participate, doubly thrilled that Mary, who has run Allentown for it's entire 52 year run, called me personally to ask me to be there. The opportunity to display work inside is always a treat- as one who does outdoor art festivals, it's SO nice to not have to worry about the weather!
The photo on the right is of fellow watercolorist Jody Ziehm (l) and myself (r). It was so nice to be there with friends. Jody, Joan Hambleton, Evette Slaughter, Denise Sperry and others were there, and it was great to catch up with each other. We often don't get to see each other until the summer show season, so this was an early Spring treat. None of us sold much of anything, but many people took business cards, and one never knows where the next sale will come from.

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