Every spring, I anxiously await the return of these beautiful crocuses, photographed on the left. I planted them many years ago right next to the path leading up to our front door. I know it's Spring when I see them again! 

I haven't done a painting of them yet. I really should-they make me so happy when I step out to get my mail and there they are, telling me that cold winter days are just about over for the year.
I especially like the background of the mulch, against the vibrant Spring colors of the crocuses. I was also surprised to see my blue poppy blooming already! It's as anxious for Spring as I am, I guess! A while back I ordered a "blue garden" from a catalog. What came were bulbs and seeds of many different varities of flowers- this blue poppy included. A friend of mine, who cultivates rare and unusual poppies, told me that the blue ones were quite rare! I lucked into getting this one. Bigger blooms will appear later on, but I was so glad to see, after one really rough winter on so many levels, the return of such beautiful, and familiar friends.