Friday, January 23, 2009

Cooper's Hawk...

This absolutely beautiful Cooper's Hawk landed on top of the birdhouse right outside my kitchen window. It was one of those times where you say....just let me get my camera! It sat there so proudly, for quite a long time, while I was able to get some photos from inside my kitchen. I really didn't think my photos would turn out so well. I hadn't planned on doing a hawk after my
latest motorcycle painting was completed, but when this bird parked itself right was like it was begging to be a subject of a painting! I'm not a bird expert, so I sent the photo of the hawk to the Buffalo News' nature columnist. He identified it as a Cooper's Hawk- and added it was not fully grown! I hope it returns to my yard as an adult!
I started off with a pencil drawing directly onto my paper. Then I used friskit on some of the withered morning glory vines, so that I could freely place the dark values on the lower part of the painting. I'm using french ultramarine, burnt sienna, and sepia for much of the hawk. This morning I noticed this hawk perched in a tree far back on our property. I hope he comes back for a camera's ready!

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