Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A "Riverwalk" summary...

The "Art on the Riverwalk" show has come and gone. If I could make one wish...I would wish that all the shows could turn out like that one! I guess it goes to show that winning awards is, for me, not the "be all, end all" for success. I didn't win an award, but my sales were far greater than I could have expected.
It was a gorgeous day- SO nice to not be setting up in a thunderstorm, a la Allentown! While we were setting up, a large bicycle tour rode by, with some of the group stopping to see what we were all doing. I had my most unusual sale ever- a couple on the bike tour bought a print from me that they then wanted me to ship to them, to be there whenever they got home. So the day after the show, I walked to the post office to ship it Iowa! Some bike tour! It was so uplifting to sell something well before the show officially began!
Crowds were wonderful all day. Sales were, too! I enjoyed selling some originals- my two single hollyhock paintings sold- to be hung together in the same house. Great idea.
What a nice show- to sit and watch the Niagara River all day and chat with good friends. The one day, set up and take down is tough, and boy do we still feel it, but all in all it was such an enjoyable show. With this economy to be making any money at all is reward in and of itself.

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