Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Must be spring...

I've been working on the numerous tree reflections- our trees here are barely beginning to bud! I love Maimerblu's sap green- that's my standard "go to" green. I've used that with Windsor Lemon and some deep blues for depth and shade. And here and there I'm filling in more darks and middle value reflections. Payne's Grey is my standard dark chrome reflection color. It is slowly, slowly, coming together.
The tree shapes are fun to do. I don't need to be as exacting there as I do with the engine and body parts of the bike. Guess it's "back to work" time!


Bob said...

It looks like you are making great progress. I love the progress updates.

Kathie said...

Thank you for your kind words! I need the support! It will be a while before it's completed!