I just finished another one of my smaller "floral portraits." This iris was absolutely gorgeous,, and I couldn't wait to paint it. As I look at the photo on the right, the colors don't look as vibrant in the picture here as they do in the actual painting! Oh well.....guess you've got to see it in person!
For the purple, I used Winsor Violet......such a true and beautiful purple.
I used Rose Madder Genuine for the pink....with a little Alizarin Crimson for some of the deeper values. Indigo and Winsor Blue were mixed with some of the Windsor Violet for the deep purple/blues. I used some Vermillion (boy, I'll miss it when I finally use all of my stash!) for the center, along with Winsor Lemon. The green is mostly Maimerblu's Sap Green, with some of the yellow mixed in.
It's exciting to me to see the iris leaves poking up through the mulch. I can't wait to see the irises again....and to get more photos.