I thought I'd include this photo from the Lewiston outdoor show because it shows something rare and unusual.......sun! This was taken shortly after set-up on Saturday. As the day progressed we watched the clouds roll in. By mid afternoon, the sky blackened, and when the lightning started in, we, along with many others, packed up quickly and left. Metal tents, watercolors, outside...not a good combo! Sunday was what the word "soggy" was invented for! We got the paintings in early in the morning when it was dry (what does dry mean....I've forgotten!!) From then on it poured, misted, drizzled, deluged...any other synonyms apply. People still came out. Some with umbrellas, some in ponchos, some oblivious, whatever.
I was very honored to win first place, and not for a motorcycle painting. My painting of Yorkville, Toronto, called "Sunny City Morning" won. I only entered that one because the rules said we could enter 2, and that one has a white mat, which for some reason, is a jurying necessity. If I had any computer skill at all I would post a photo of that painting, but since I'm fairly "software unskilled" I'll have to refer anyone to my website to see it. Maybe the fact it depicts sunlight on a city street helped!! Sunlight....what's that again!!
The weatherman says we have 1/2 a day of sun today, so I'm off to hang up my tent panels to dry. I think I should have planted rice and celery in my garden. Hey....there's a thought!!